A series of lithographs that appear to be receipts but really contain traits or characteristics of people. They comment on the stereotyping of Asian American/Canadians, and the commodification of our identities.
"Amy" is the diveristy hire, the one the institution or company parades around as meeting their diversity quota. She represents the disilluionment with institututions and their disingenuous intentions for brownie points without actually addressing systemic issues or the racism she might experience in the workplace.
"Mei" is an ideal, stereotypical, demure, and passive Chinese woman. Her name means "beauty". She embodies the orientalist expectations of what an Asian woman should look like and how she should behave.
"Shin" represents the ideal skilled immigrant. This reciept shows some of the costs on the people who want to "come here legally" to provide a better life for their families. He represents the model minority that immigrants are expected to be so that they are accepted into their "new home".